The other news is that End the Muni will likely not make it (Still ~1,000 signatures short with one week to go).

I wanted to highlight the part of this story that choked me up.
Organizer Patrick Murphy has been the only one from his campaign collecting signatures. (Outside of collaboration with other campaigns.) He told me it was because he didn't want to expose anyone else to that much risk: contact with 100s of ppl a day.
Then he told me that he himself has had to self-isolate from his MIL and partner since he started collecting signatures A MONTH AGO. They are immune-compromised. He's got one more week of collecting (deadline next Friday) then he'll quarantine for two weeks.
Can you imagine not getting within 6 ft of your partner, not touching them, for 7 WEEKS?

That's how much this man believes in what he is doing.
Regardless of how you feel about his petition ( I myself have mixed feelings on everything muni) this is what #Boulder residents are willing to do to exercise their constitutional rights.
The question I'm asking myself is, why do they have to? Do we want a society in which people risk so much merely to participate in democracy?

I can't answer that for you. I just hope you think about it.
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