There was this phase in my life when i didn't like myself at all. I looked different, but i mistook it for being ugly. I had freckles all over my face which i hated. It was only a few years ago (in my first year of college) that i started embracing myself and the way i looked.
And of course, it didn't happen all of a sudden. I am an introvert, hence not a person who opens up to people about how i feel. So, i never let anyone suspect my insecurities. I would pretend to love myself. But in college, i saw these beautiful girls around me which made me more
insecure and it was visible on my face. Although, only a few days in college, and some of my classmates started to make me feel good about all these marks i carried (which i used to consider unsightly).They complimented me & said these were unique and added to my beauty. Strange!
Something that displeased me all my life was beautiful for them?? It was a shocking revelation but it brought peace to my mind and soul. Now, when i contemplate, i realise that it is human nature. Everyone has some flaws, the other person may love this thing about you but
your insecurities may never let you accept or adore that. Also, when you point out someone's flaws in a negative way, it may dishearten them and put them in a more depressing state. But, if you make them feel good about their shortcomings, you may actually help them in ways that
you can't even imagine. Today, when i see all these apps with a freckles' filter and girls going nutso over it, I laugh.I laugh at my idiocy for feeling unpleasant all those years because of 'em. I sure have other, multiple flaws. Everybody has. But i am beginning to accept them.
There are still enormous other things that may effect my mental peace but none about my looks or body anymore. Grateful to my friends who unknowingly helped me cope with this but I wish we all find someone early on in our lives who becomes our means of solace & make us feel good.
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