This is gonna be long. You can ignore it. ❤

I tweeted something recently. About a collab. Pretty normal, yeah?

Well I thought so until God knows why L*rries started dm-ing me about being offensive.
I never go out of my way to start a debate. But I am going to do it this time. L*rry is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever seen.
L denied it on record and you made fun of him with "Genuinely", "Obviously", "Mutual Respects". Treating him like a kid who doesn't know what he wants and you somehow know better.
H denied it, said his songs are not about L, yet you make absurd claims that H is lying because his response was "suspicious". So you know better than H, right?
Just a few weeks ago, you all mass requested a popular Dating coach to analyse L*rry and give his feedback. He did and once he disagreed you ALL builled him to go off social media and take off the video because you are so THREATENED by the truth.
L has literally said he is straight on record MULTIPLE times. His family has denied rumours on record. H's new management (Jeff) are his found family. He's finally being himself and yet you claim his management is still controlling him?
Also ffs please take a look at portfolio of Modest/Syco/Simon, they LITERALLY have bigger things to do then work 24/7 365 to restrict two ADULTS from being in a relationship for 10 freaking years.
You think I'm against L*rrie because I support Z*rry or N*rry etc? Let me be clear. I will even fucking support HOBAMA if it helps reduce the conspiracy.
You guys love to quote Elton John's "Its not a rumour if its not going away"; while you LITERALLY make the rumours yourself?! A normal sensible person should have stopped when BabyGate was debunked yet you still have the audacity to go on and on about it.
You are a "real" fan of L and H right? Yet, majority of your contribution towards them is flooding their YT videos with L*rry, sending hate to their significant others, scrutinizing their every small action to fit it into L*rry narrative.
L posted about Gofundme petiton just a few hours back and you have literally started a conspiracy again that it was H because tweet was done from an Iphone?! Do you understand how absurd these theories are becoming?!
Do NOT tell me that only "some" L*rries are like this. That its just the Bluegreeners. It takes a MAJORITY of people to force someone to close their comment sections on IG, leave social media, become less and less active online.
Just go and take a look at L, H, their significant others, and family's posts on social media wherever there's a tiniest hint of them. Its thwarted by 💙💚, L*rry is real, F*ck yourself, etc and what not.
You are claiming L is not with his GF because she is with her "real boyfriend" who is literally openly gay and engaged. You claim she is not in her IG stories because her legs look "manly", "tattoo is blurry", "socks are same as H wore weeks ago in paps"
Your conspiracies are not doing shit to prove your theories. They just show how far up you are in your delusions.
- They should say on record "L*rry is not real"
- We want a proof that L and H are together in Quarantine

Why? So u can make fun of L again by obnoxiously quoting "obviously, mutual respects, genuinely?" Or so u can claim the quarantine proof is photoshop?
Also I'm bored of L*rries/Blue Greeners shouting MANAGEMENT, and SIMON in my dms and then blocking me. Or tweeting "L*rries be living rent free in your head"
I do not hate L*rries. I hate the L*rry theory. Many of my moots are L*rries and we have fun often. This is not a personal attack on you as a person. This is not an attempt on bullying. If you feel depressed after reading this then call me names. Let it out. Don't internalize.
Guys this thread was done on a spur of moment because my DMs were flooded with bs from L*rries. This is NOT the time to talk about this. Peace🙏
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