Colleague of mine today explained how he supports what Cummings did - said that under the same circumstances - stuck in central London with folk catching COVID-19 left right and centre, he'd have told his wife to pack the car and he'd have moved them north as well.
I asked why he'd do that and the obvious answer came - because he'd do anything for his family, his kids his wife. Nothing would get in the way of him doing best by them.

I stayed silent for a moment and let him think he'd made a good point.
"Do you know why I wouldn't have done that mate? Not because it would stop me getting ill. It will stop YOU and your family getting ill.

I'm not staying at home for me and mine, I'm staying at home for you and yours."

In that exact moment, I saw the penny drop or him.
That's the point in all of this outrage. The selfishness of self-preservation is making a mockery of the common sacrifice we're each making for one another. It's no different to ration cheats or blackout violations in wartime and it's high time they were reminded of that.
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