With everything happening, I am starting to wonder how to teach social equity and racism within my Intro to PA class. I will be changing the syllabus in the Fall to include this topic, and have started doing research. This thread will include resources for teaching these topics.
I did this because I wanted resources in how to teach this. If there are articles I have missed, please add onto this list so we can build up a good resource list so social equity and racism can be taught in a productive way.
Next Administrative racism: Public administration
education and race by Starke, @rightbedone & @JanieceMackey looking at race-conscious pedagogy to to prepare students to deal with ethical issues of race & racism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15236803.2018.1426428?casa_token=5knKVoGrtGwAAAAA:Wz4KS1J7gIz18yOy2nOo0Vu0xyUIfOF8aNaUjZHfDtK-Dacztm7hKkIJrvYMrOklSAyNDe6-Lx8
I am still thinking about things, but I want to understand how do we create these programs which meet the needs of our students while not presenting things as "simple" or "once you have done this one class, you are done".
Another issue is I have been in cultural competency programs around LGBT or Jewish groups which, as a Jewish gay man, I felt was condescending to me. So how do we create education that isn't condescending and doesn't "other" our students.
Please let me know if there are other resources which I have missed or thoughts on teaching racism and its impacts.
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