can i just say it’s awfully weird to see y’all treat blm like something that’ll be over within a week. this isn’t something that will end soon. it is OKAY to talk about kpop and things that you love right now, just don’t forget what you’re supposed to be fighting for.
seeing all of this talk about not trending anything or censoring names is just odd because are you going to keep doing this forever? blm isn’t a trend, it is real life and real people we are talking about. it is something that impacts my life every single day.
so yes, talk about your faves but ALSO talk about blm. don’t forget about it once it loses attention. stay aware all the time, not just when it’s trending. and if you’re not black i am begging you to stop policing other people’s accounts bc it’s usually doing more harm than good.
also i understand that it’s important to spread awareness but just sitting here and tweeting a hashtag over and over is not nearly enough. sign the petitions, send emails, make calls, donate if you can. actually DO something to make a difference.
while everyone’s here: please continue to listen to what black people are saying and continue to uplift our voices. we’re extremely grateful to have allies but please do not speak over us! stay aware, stay safe, make a difference.
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