People felt they were oppressed.

They were treated as second class citizens.

They were imprisoned without trial.

Their property was taken without justification.

They were daily abused and even murdered by law enforcement without appeal or recourse.

So, naturally, they protested this injustice.

They petitioned the government. They sent representatives to plead their case. They appealed to the law, to the public, to the powerful. To God.

Their protests fell on deaf ears.

Those in power ignored their complaints.

So they protested LOUDER.

There was civil unrest, marches, petitions to the government.

Those in power didn't care about justice, the powerful never do. They refused to listen. This went on for years, generations. Arrests, murders, injustice increased.

And so, naturally, the people resorted to violence.

Because it was the only avenue the powerful had left them.

They burned businesses, destroyed property, rioted in the streets, and took up arms.

It could have stopped there.

It could have stopped there.

Those in power could have listened, could have reached an accommodation in good faith, could have respected life and liberty and created a more equitable and fair society.

But, of course, they didn't.

The powerful never do.

And so, finally, it came down violence on a mass scale. Tens of thousands dead. Billions in property lost...



Heh heh. I see.

You thought I was talking about Minneapolis?

No, I was talking about the American Revolution.

And funny, that. Isn't it?

Funny how when America's white ancestors rose up in violence against oppression and tyranny, when THEY destroyed millions in property and business, when THEY marched in protest, when THEY took up arms against authority, when THEY demanded justice, WE call them patriots.

Yes, funny indeed.

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