I hope NONE of my black folx are seeking to qualify the anger, fear, rage, pain, mistrust, lack of motivation & exhaustion that you're feeling today. It's ok if u cannot put into words what you're feeling, as we exist in a world that continues to remind us that we don't matter.
It's okay if you don't have answers to the "how're you doing?"' and "are you feeling alright?" messages you receive, because honestly how can we put into words the dehumanizing reminders that our lives aren't worth saving, protecting, or fighting for?
How can we put into words what it feels like to fear for the safety of EVERYONE in our families, amidst a pandemic that is already robbing us of our loved ones? How can we express the lack of safety I feel even in our supposed safe havens and homes?
How does one express the disappointment in "allies", institutions, and organizations that have been completely silent and complicit in our deaths? It's exhausting. I am tired of the re-traumatization we experience time and time again.
You can follow @beejangles.
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