BLACK ARTISTS! I'm going to give away 3 more Schoolism Scholarships by the end of the day for you. (5-29-2020 9PM PST) To apply, respond to this tweet with 1-4 art pieces and how  would help you. #drawingwhileblack #blacklivesmatter
The super awesome and generous @MingjueChen has offered to sponsor 4 more scholarships!! We've got 7 total now to give away! Thank you so much Helen!!!
The talented illustrator @meghunt has also donated for an additional 3 scholarships, so we're up to 10!
And my dear friend @YingjueChen is offering ANOTHER 3, so we're up to 13 currently! Keep those submissions coming guys!!
We're getting lots of support! @Gingerhazing, the amazing artist behind Nimona and SheRa has donated another 3 scholarships!! We're up to 16 now!! Please submit!
And one more! From the super amazing artist @A_Zedig_Diboine!! We're up to 17 scholarships for black artists!
This thread keeps growing! @bauerpower has donated a scholarship as well! We're up to 18 scholarships!! If you submit you have a pretty high likelihood of getting one!
The great @callielawsonart has donated another 2 scholarships! We're up to 20 scholarships to give away to aspiring black artists!!
@superbonart has donated another 2 scholarships!! We're up to 22!
The incredible @SheaFontana has donated 5 more Scholarships! 5!!! we're up to 27 now.
This is a massive number of scholarships! Please submit! We have another 2 scholarships donated from an anonymous donor for 29 scholarships!
My mistake, the anonymous donor donated 5, so we're up to 31!
@MollyOstertag, comics artist and creator of "Witch Boy" just donated another scholarship! We're at 32!
@redherringdraws has donated another 3 scholarships!! we're at 35 now! Artists, please submit! We may have enough for EVERYONE!!
Another 5 scholarships donated by @coyotehackles!!! We're up to 40 scholarships. Black artists, please submit, your chances are VERY good of gettin one!
@joviellety, @aniistoll, @shanito have all donated a scholarship each! We're up to 43!
@SaraAlfageeh, @Beavs, @meyoco_ have all donated 3 scholarships each, for 9 more!! We're up to 52 scholarships!
@MaxUlichney the amazing painter who's procreate brushes are my life, just donated 5 scholarships! We're up to 57!!!! 57 yearlong Schoolism scholarships for black artists! Please submit your art!
@100soft, @tamagotchi44, @AngrygirLcomics, @JennRavenna and an anonymous donor have all donated a scholarship each! We're up to 62 Scholarships!!
@artoferin, @raebits, @jorydayne, @valkwise have all donated one scholarship each for another 4! 66 Scholarships!
More great artists donating! @nephelomancer, @WhitLeopard, @lazesummerstone, @MAOHcomic, @interpunkt have all donated one scholarship each for an additional 5. @RequiemPluie has donated 2 so we're at a total of 73 Scholarships!
More and More! @The_StephC, @IniquitousFish, @heylauragao have each sponsored one scholarship each! @DapsDraws and an anonomous doner have donated two each for a total of 80 scholarships!
More donations! @andy_b_cung, @Sweeney_Boo, @wolfinsheeps, @dawndundundun, @GloriaFelixArt have all donated one scholarship each, and @FromHappyRock has donated 2, for 7 more scholarships for a running total of 87 scholarships!
Lots more to add! The generosity from the art community is astonishing!
@kateleth, @krismukai, @HookieDuke, @craig_church, @Rinnychu, @rosiemarx, @nickmarino, @NanLawson, @_gabrielpicolo, @imzeferino, @bicobebin and an anonymous doner have all donated one scholarship, for 98!!
This thread got away from me somehow with the replies, but we're at 114 now, and @charlestan and @zephyri have donated three each so we're at 120!!!
And to add to that, the amazing founders of @SchoolismLIVE Bobby and Kei have generously donated 10 more scholarships!! 130!!!
@kevinjaystanton, @sarahgaydos, @musclewing, @beckycloonan, @katartstrophe, @bethpecora, @photinakis, @ianmcque, and another anon donor have each donated one scholarship! We're at 138!
@KtShy, @eyecager have each donated two, and @MrJeffTrammell and an anon donor have each donated three, for a total of 10 more, so we're at 148!!!
@curtislelash has generously donated 5 more scholarships for 153!!!
@ohboyitshya, @flotsamandjason, and, @jamescarlsen banded together to donate a scholarship! 154!
Shoot and @MadyGComics!!! Amazing supporters!! <3
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