who to stan: thread of celebrities who are using their platform and voice to show support for #BlackLivesMatters , share petitions/donation pages, etc.

disclaimer: i am not trying to praise minimal action but these are celebs that deserve our support for stepping up!
thank you @halsey
thank you @GiGiHadid
thank you @brendonurie
thank you @conangray
thank you @zaynmalik (even though this was all he posted, $15,000 was donated right after. it shows the power they hold).
thank you @beamiller (she has also retweeted over a dozen threads of petitions, donations, and ways to help)
thank you @ArianaGrande
clearly, we could all do more and I urge these people to keep posting petitions, donation links, etc. because tweeting a single link to millions of people can have a huge impact. feel free to add to this thread, i'll continue posting!
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