To all my black friends and anyone in the black community i just wanted to come on here and say, you are valid, your feelings are so so valid, and you are heard. We will not let your voices go unheard, do not allow anyone to tell you how you should react to the oppression that +
You guys have to face in your community. I stand with you guys and i will use the privilege i have as a white man to speak up against the racism, and oppression's you guys face daily. I urge everyone who says they are against racism to do the same, speak up, take action +
donate, tell your black friends that you are here for them. Do anything you can to support them, we need everyone to take action in any way more than ever, because we need justice not only for George, but the whole black community who has to face oppression.
To anyone who is reading this thread if you're black, or white, Gay, straight, whoever you are please do whatever you can to stand up for the black community, right now because not only do they need justice, they deserve justice.
No one is going to dislike you for being white, not one is going to hurt you FOR being white, no one is going to deny you basic human rights FOR being white which is why you should use that privilege that you do have (which isn't a bad thing) to stand up for the black community.
#BlackLivesMatter  , and again you guys are heard, your feelings are valid. You guys deserve justice, and deserve to be treated just as equally as us and as a white person i will always stand with you guys and use my privilege to speak up for you guys.
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