This video explains a lot why I'm now aiming to make only shorter comics from now. I'm trying to look into more shortcuts to make comic page and art-making a bit quicker, too.
now on* >_>
I recall a tweet criticizing people for suggesting ways to speed art-making up, asking "Who are you doing this for and why?" That made me kinda angry, as if trying to get more done faster was just selling out and couldn't be for one's personal benefit. (More...)
If all you want to do is make a GORGEOUS looking comic or a chill project where you don't care how long it takes/if and when it ends, then cool! But if it's multiple stories in comic form you want to get out, then considering the time things take IS wise. (More...)
I've always wanted to tell more than one story and Daniel, as much as I love it, took me nine years. One comic that isn't even an EXTREMELY long running series, really. Nine. Years. (More...)
I don't mean to deter people from finishing that longer series you're working on, it IS possible, I did it and others have completed way longer ones than mine. Especially if your long comic is your Ultimate Baby, keep it up! (More...)
I only suggest you consider what you really want the most with your comics, at least after a while. Do you want more stories done or a couple super projects done...or maybe it doesn't matter to you as long as something is made? (More...)
Please remember that this thread is only to try and be helpful and I'm not trying to tell anyone how to work or think, or send anyone into a panic attack about limited time. ^_^; Any art or comics made is good. Long, short, finished or unfinished.
Sometimes things like a comic being a money-maker can be a factor too. Much harder to make multiple comics when one is literally your job.

ANYWAY, just do what's best and possible for you, everyone. Also remember that comics aren't your only option for telling stories either.
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