Newly released Sage minutes reveal that on 13th March, govt scientists warned that 'seeking to completely suppress spread of Covid19' through a full lockdown would lead to a second peak in the virus, even as lockdowns were starting to be imposed across Europe.
'SAGE was unanimous that measures seeking to completely suppress spread of Covid19 will cause a second peak. SAGE advises that it is a near certainty that countries such as China, where heavy suppression is underway, will experience a second peak once measures are relaxed.'
Re decision to allow Cheltenham (10/3-13/3) and Liverpool-Atletico (12/3)

5/3: 'SAGE agreed there is no evidence to suggest that banning very large gatherings would reduce transmission'
10/3: 'SAGE noted that public gatherings pose a relatively low but not zero public risk'
All of this appears to support the UK government's claim that during March, it was following the guidance of its scientific advisers. So while there *were* warnings that its approach would lead to disaster, there *were not* such warnings coming from the group advising ministers.
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