Aight so twitter has kinda exploded in a way I’m not really a fan of. So, this thread is meant to do two things.

1) Explain why I may have unfollowed you.

2) Make a suggestion regarding the controversy that’s emerged recently.
First and foremost, I’m not a fan of hatred on any “side” (I’ll get to the quotes in a bit). People have recently been taking to twitter and spouting very hateful comments and discussion, and I’m not a fan. Nothing personal, but if you’re doing it imma unfollow.
Second, the discourse surrounding the black lives movement and America, has taken a very violent turn. Both from police towards African Americans (AA) and from AA and their advocates towards the police. Again, I’m not a fan of violence, so if you’re advocating it. I’ll unfollow.
Lastly I wholeheartedly don’t believe that the discourse that serves to divide us truly exists. The world in my eyes is made of people living their lives no more no less. I disagree with statements that try to paint large populations as monsters. (More on this last point)
So to me yes there are bad apples, but the vast majority of police officers do their job and keep us safe. Some AAs are thugs, waaaay more aren’t. Some Muslims are terrorists, waaaay more aren’t. That’s reality. So when people try to tell you, that you’re on the wrong side...
I disagree, everyone is human. Using language that dehumanizes one perspective, to garner support for another only serves to further divide us. So pls approach one another with the empathy and decency that being human warrants. That’s productive progress, I think.
You can follow @faisalfahmed.
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