
Dear Former Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton and Obama:

We all know there is an unwritten rule that as former Presidents, you don’t speak negatively about each other or your successor. We believe it's time to change that rule, even if only temporarily. 1/
@realDonaldTrump is intentionally killing us. Intentionally dividing our Country. Intentionally inciting violence. Intentionally doing things that the we nor the rest of the world could never imagine would occur here in 2020. 2/
Over 100,000 lives have been lost due to his pure hatred of nearly everything and he isn’t acting alone. He has full support from @senatemajldr and the GOP members of Congress, judges, governors, etc. Plus Russia and other countries. His reach is powerful and frightful. 3/
Especially when he has social media and multiple media outlets amplifying and condoning his vengeful acts and hateful rhetoric. Or just ignoring them saying he'll change.

Thousands of people lost their lives fighting for freedom and equality in OUR COUNTRY. 4/
We aren’t saying things were perfect prior to him entering office, far from it, however we are saying that Trump is actively erasing all the progress that has been made. He even threatened a civil war if he wasn’t acquitted during the impeachment trial. 5/
It’s probably only one of the few times in his life that he has told the truth.

Of course your presidencies weren’t perfect because no one is. But absolutely NOTHING you’ve done while Commander in Chief compares to what we are witnessing now. 6/
We already know he and his sycophants will try their best to vilify you because that’s all they know how to do. They’ve done it before; they’re doing it now and they will continue to do it.

We need POWERFUL voices of condemnation, hope, and strength, right now. 7/
There are more of (US)A than there are of “them.”

@RepAdamSchiff spoke passionately to Congress in the dark of night on January 23, 2020 about the consequences if they refused to act. But the GOP members refused to stand up for and fight for our democracy. 8/
We all know they are just as complicit as he is. They had faux outrage that night because he mentioned he heard their heads would be on a pike if they did not acquit him. But immediately after he also said he hoped it wasn’t true.

They chose not to listen or care. 9/
He is now destroying our democracy while they turn their heads and use everyone as scapegoats for their failures.

We all reap what we sow but there is an ultimate judge who will decide our fates. 10/
Until that day comes, we are begging you to speak up and help defend the Nation and, that you faithfully served.

It has to be a BIPARTISAN effort since you all are powerful and influential leaders. 11/
We have overcome before and we will again but until then we need voices that have more impact than ours.

With heavy hearts and pleas for help,

The United States of America.
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