A little translation for my fellow whites, some of whom seem to need a little help in this area.

The phrase “Black Lives Matter” doesn’t have any exclusionary or superlative words in it.
Other lives, esp white ones, are statistically safer in the hands of authorities. Whether it’s legislation, law enforcement, corporate policies, etc; I as a white person can take for granted that others will see value in my life. “White lives matter” goes without saying.
“All lives matter” -should- go without saying. As lovely as the sentiment is, that phrase doesn’t reflect anyone’s lived experiences. POC, especially black people, can’t take for granted that authorities will see value in their lives. Don’t try to dispute this statistical fact.
You may have some evidence of a few hate crimes perpetrated against white people. You may even have experienced bullying for your race. But we white people do NOT have the same lifelong trauma of seeing authority figures treat people who look like us as if they have no value.
Black lives do have value. Black lives are supposed to be as safe as everyone else’s. Black people don’t have the same privilege of knowing their lives are valued by others. That’s why it needs to be said.

Black. Lives. Matter.
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