As a POC to another POC, please, when a white person asks how they can help understand the situation going on or help out in any way, TEACH THEM. We can't yell "We need change! We need help!" if you're answering white people with 'you don't understand'. Help them understand!
We are living in times where hatred is spreading like wildfire and we need to stand to together to put them out.

Be a teacher, open their minds, don't push away support because you're hurting. Let them join you in the hurting, let them join you in the change you want to see.
Yes, I am Mexican. I was born in Mexico. I've been targeted, stereotyped, questioned, yelled racist slurs at and more. The fact that "I don't look Mexican" enough for you does not invalidate the racism I've experienced in my life.

Please open your eyes. Jeez
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