So do this for me, Twitter. Today. Friday, May 29, 2020. Do something nice for someone, or even for yourself and do as little bad as possible.

Maybe you work for a nuclear bomb factory or something, so there's nothing you can do about that. But buy someone a cup of coffee?
Let someone have that parking space.
Go one day without tweeting something negative about Olathe.
Give that guy @ the corner a buck even though you're one of those "i'll never give that guy a dollar" people
Write a letter to your Congressperson saying something they do well.
Put the seat down for your spouse.
Put the seat up for your spouse.
Maybe you're anti-cop or pro-cop, but tell a cop that you know they have a really shitty job and to keep doing their best
Reach out to someone on Tweeter and tell them something not-negative
Add your actions to this thread. It won't fix shit. But it'll at least add some human decency to this never-ending ticker tape of insanity and human garbage.

Love y'all.
You can follow @TheFakeNed.
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