white people criticizing black folks right now: consider for a few moments that you dont know what black people go through. pretend that all of the horrible things we face in america were true. im just asking you to play make believe with me real quick.
i wont run down the list of grievances for you bc you hear them all the time, right? police brutality, racial profiling, jim crow, etc etc. like reeeeeeaaaally consider it, pretend real hard. life would be different, right? doesnt it sound like it would suck?
and you know what, thats it. thats all im asking you to do. ask yourself ‘what if all the things black people describe experiencing are true’ & answer that honestly within yourself.

not asking you to change your mind or ideas. wont challenge whatever you say in this thread.
just trying to trick everyone into empathizing because that is what is missing.
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