1/4 (a short thread)

I know you've had/got a lot on your plate @premierleague but #NUFC fans, staff, etc deserve so much better re #NUFCTakeover.

Staff furloughed, future uncertain. Fans paying for next season when they won't be in attendance, short/medium-term. No refunds...

Players' contracts running out, no idea who'll make calls on futures. Communication from club has, from a very low base, gone backwards. And although not your direct responsibility, mental health on Tyneside (for many) is at stake...

#NUFC | #NUFCTakeover | @premierleague

All we hear from @premierleague Richard Masters (paraphrasing): 'We have no timescale on a decision'.

Literally one of your current 20 shareholders is rudderless, listless, floating into your Project Restart with no direction, meaning or enthusiasm.

#NUFC | #NUFCTakeover

I agree, the 'right' decision must be made, but is making one really so difficult?

Literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people are hanging on your decision.

The silence is painful, draining, preventable. Everyone's feeling it.

#NUFC | #NUFCTakeover | @premierleague
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