The policeman that killed George Floyd was previously involved in 3 shootings of civilians. One of them was fatal.

When racist thinking is such an integral part of an institution and wider society you get what Eduardo Bonilla-Silva called "profound racism without racists."
This killing, which could only be scandalised because of footage, is an extension of a legal system which seeks to convert mainly poor and disportionately black members of the population into ludicrously profitable economic units in corporate prisons
Business as usual literally means African Americans who account for 13% of the population make up 40% of the prison population. Clearly the law is being applied differently to different people.
When a lobbying system of legalised bribery exists which allows companies that run private prisons to lobby for harsher drug laws the other necessary part of that equation is that certain sections of the society serve as a cash cow for the prison industrial complex.
The same way a country with 120 guns for every 100 humans necessitates a certain amount of death to achieve that business as usual equilibrium.
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