Today I am going to discuss a very difficult and sensitive topic, but it is one that is very important to speak out about.
Today's topic is...suicide...I will discuss the risk factors that can lead someone to suicide, the warning signs, the myths versus facts, and most importantly, how to help someone who has suicidal ideation.
Follow below for more information 👇
The risk factors for Suicide are...

History of a mental disorder, substance abuse disorder, previous suicide attempts, access to harmful means, losing a friend or family member to suicide, and ongoing exposure to bullying behavior and/or trauma.
Someone who has suicidal ideation will often express feeling unbearable pain. They will express key phrases such as that they feel they are stuck/trapped, that they feel like they are a burden to others, or that they have no reason to live. (1/2)
Leading up to a suicidal attempt, they will often isolate themselves from others, increase drug and alcohol use, or engage in reckless behavior. They often will contact others to say "goodbye" and/or provide a warning or suicide note, or give away their prized possessions (2/2).
Be aware that sometimes warning signs for suicidal ideation are not always direct
Myth#1: Suicide is selfish

Although, Suicide is self-focused it is NOT selfish. In fact, many suicides are driven by the thought that one is a burden to others, therefore; the person feels that they are doing the world favor or helping their loved ones rather than hurting them.
Myth #2: Suicide is an easy escape; ones that cowards use.

Humans have a strong biological instinct for self-preservation, so there is nothing easy about suicide.
Myth #3: If someone really wants to kill themselves, they won't talk about it.
Most people who have died by suicide or attempted, have communicated their distress to at least one person. They're not always direct, which is why it's important to know the warning signs of suicide.
Myth #4: Talking about Suicide will only encourage it.

In terms of recovery and treatment, when talking about the person's feelings about suicide, it is the most important and helpful thing to do to work through it.
Myth #5: Suicide attempts are about seeking attention

Sometimes attempts can be a signal for help. Often times the person is trying to escape attention, or feels they are no longer worth any attention. Suicide should always be taken seriously no matter what!
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