to anyone who still doesn’t understand why i, a gay POC, & others from minority groups, ESPECIALLY members of our black community, ugly cried for hours following the 2016 election and felt scared for what living in this country could become and mean for me/us, read this:
these are the words of our president, the person our votes (or lack thereof) elected into office. this is the person whose job it is to protect the american people and advocate for our safety, freedoms and equality. not just for some, but for all.
he has proven that he believes that black lives are less important and less worthy of his protection. he has demonstrated an unprecedented lack of empathy and humanity and that he only serves to protect his white american interests and those that belong to the members of
his innermost circles. he has made hateful americans believe that racism is ok and that as long as you are good at twisting your words around to get what you want, you can do what you want. he is a lying, sociopathic, egomaniac who would rather stand and have a black reporter
arrested for doing his job than making sure a murdered is brought to justice. instead he is recklessly tweeting threats of violence against the american people and playing the victim when people try to hold him accountable.
so yeah i’m scared. and quite frankly, this should scare everyone. and if you don’t see why this is a problem, then you are part of the problem. if you’re scared, tired, disturbed or angry, then let’s do something about it.
our black communities are at risk and as as americans we need to do better. we need to use our privilege, our voices, and whatever platforms we might have to spread awareness about the ways the justice system and the media continue to make oppression and hatred ok.
new leadership is required to fix this shitstorm - at all levels, but especially at the top. change has to come in November and our votes have the power to send a pretty powerful message. so let’s make some damn noise.
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