Since everyone is talking about George Floyd, and the chaos in Minnesota. It was wrong. He had his rights violated in the most horrific ways imaginable. Especially over something as stupid as forgery, which is unbelievably difficult to arrest someone while it occurs.
and I want justice for him.
Justice does not look like a mob of people coming into a city they don’t live in an burning it to the ground. Anyone who wants to justify the civil distruption has lost the plot. What happened to the lockdown?
I’m actually gonna say that the Police in Minnesota have made the situation even worse. Arresting journalists and using teargas, escalating the situation to expose your abusiveness. Most conservatives for months have been saying these cops are abusing their power.
It’s just very wacky that we are still attacking conservative 2A arguments right now.
I don’t know if it’s ever been more evident YOU CANNOT TRUST THE POLICE FOR YOUR PROTECTION. How would you feel if you lived in public assisted housing and had children living with you and your home is now ash because people wanted to take advantage of another death.
Was it a deserved death no. Absolutely not. Like the 100,000 that didn’t deserve to die from COVID. People die everyday. Most are tragic, and to witness one is horrifying.
Instead of being drunk with partisanship and assuming what others think cause you don’t wanna make an effort to listen or talk to them is ignorant. You are ostracizing people who fundamentally agree with you.
Look I DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING. There are plenty of times I catch myself being a moron, but I will listen to everyone. More people should try. People fighting over toilet paper should’ve been the first clue. Regardless that’s my tiny soapbox. Have a good weekend!
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