1) As I went to sleep last night while Minneapolis was burning & riots were breaking out elsewhere, I couldn't help but think that I've seen this all before.

This far bigger than any of us realize, and none of it is organic.
2) Like the overwhelming majority of us, I don't see race. I only see just & unjust.

You could see this being played out over the past weeks as the media pushed a narrative that focused on skin color which culminated in the senseless killing of George Floyd

Ask yourself why?
3) It's easy to focus on the distractions: dirty cops, agent provocateurs, & masked looters.

Take a step back. Look at everything in context.

The Stormtroopers are not honoring George Floyd; they are desecrating his memory to sow destruction. https://www.fox9.com/video/688884 
4) When I call them Stormtroopers, I mean it quite literally.

What we are seeing is no different than Kristallnacht in which Nazi Stormtroopers were ordered to torch Jewish businesses & kill innocent civilians. https://www.history.com/topics/holocaust/kristallnacht
5) It should come to the surprise of nobody that the person most likely to be behind all of this is a man who showed no remorse in helping the Nazis round up his fellow Hungarian Jews https://www.bitchute.com/video/DKJkYtMRmktt/
10) Does this look like something you would do to honor the death of an innocent man?

This took place in LA, not Minneapolis. This is not justice for George Floyd. This is anarchy. https://twitter.com/LizHabib/status/1265813309195862018
11) What I've said so far are my observations through reading and watching, but listen to the frustrated words of former president of NAACP St. Paul, Diane Binns who only wanted to get medication for her daugther https://twitter.com/rljourno/status/1266079467744702466
15) Soros' fingers aren't restricted to America either.

In a 2014 interview with CNN, he admitted to funding & controlling an organization that contributed to the overthrow of the Ukraine's elected leader.

21) So ask yourself the question of why.

Why has one man been outlawed from so many countries.

Why has he continually funded "activist" movements linked to violent protests?

Most importantly, why has the rest of the world not done outlawed him as well?
22) When the dust settles in Minneapolis, I fully expect to see the fingerprints of Soros orchestrating everything.

Ignore the distractions. We're in the middle of a much bigger and more dangerous game.

They want us divided and fighting.

United we are strong.

God wins.
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