I said I’d tweet my work/life balance experience since lockdown so here’s a thread on that...
My last day in the office was March 13th, since then I have been lucky enough being a Local Council employee to have been working full time and from home.
This working from home wasn’t new,my employer has embraced a great agile working policy, whilst a few teething problems at the outset everything has been running smoothly, working from home full time has its challenges, I have 3 under the age of 3 including twin 17month old boys
And a 3 year old who was no longer attending nursery. The work/home balance was tipped but with a hugely supportive wife and a team around me who understand these has led to it being pretty seamless,it’s been aided by the fact that the boys have started sleeping through the night
The first week of work of the lockdown was a strange one,lots of things happening,trying to see what is normal,trying to understand where we go from here and making sure my direct team and those around the procurement function can work as normal
I had some direct involvement in COVID-19 specific work early on,helping the Council secure hotel accommodation for our homeless community, which was successful and the team were involved in PPE and charity food bank work..
Over the last few weeks, we have been close to going back to business as usual, reviewing what contracts are effective,can continue and where changes may be required to provide service, my team have been excellent, embraced the challenges and continue to work well....
My employer has provided first class updates on everything COVID-19, from its approach to helping the community - both residents and businesses as well as the welfare of its staff....
They have been good days, there have been days where time seems to stand still, there are days where you just can’t see anything other than dark clouds despite the sun shining, but we keep going, it makes you appreciate other things...
I wouldn’t have spent so much time with my boys had this not happened, I wouldn’t have seen my daughter sing the alphabet all her own, I miss my family and the extended family, But together we can get through this. For now, we continue to deliver procurement as we always do...
And I’ll always make sure the team and those around me are ok. Thanks for reading, take care of yourselves, and each other

Thanks for reading.
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