The only time in my formal education when Britain's history as a colonial power even came up was in an optional module in the 3rd yr of my BA.

Everything at school was skewed towards the Tudors and WWII (when mighty Britain heroically beat the Nazis!)
The paucity of meaningful, honest discussion about our national history, in education and in wider public debate, explains a huge amount about why we are where we are today - austerity, Brexit, Windrush, the list goes on...
It's easy to look at America and be aghast at what is going on there (and I am) but those of us in Britain shouldn't pat ourselves on the back too quickly. @akalamusic's brilliant book NATIVES should be prescribed reading for everyone in the UK
I'm so grateful to @PriyamvadaGopal & the Post-Colonial dept at @Cambridge_Uni English faculty, which taught me as much about the world as I learnt in the rest of my education put together. Would that we all had that chance and it wasn't exceptional.
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