THREAD for White settled Irish & other non Black PoC: Hi I'm a queer Asian anarchist organiser based in Dublin. Here are some thoughts (a lil rant) given everything happening on the twtr discourse rn
1. Ireland is racist af. We have all internalised racist and anti-Black ideas. Being defensive when called out for racism is useless. We all have to unlearn all the shit we internalised AND abolish racist institutions like Direct Provision. Yes we can do both at the same time.
2. We all need to hold space and listen to Black people. Stop using & commodifying Black slang, aesthetics, culture, music. The least you can fucking do is rt and boost Black people's voices instead of staying silent. (some of ye need to stfu with your unfunny jokes tho)
3. YOU FUCKING WHITE QUEERS WITH THE BIG FUCKING TWITTER ACCOUNTS using Black gifs and memes all the time. Some of ye are the actual worse in terms of solidarity and doing the work. Performative as hell, you're just parroting what a lot of PoC are saying for woke points.
4. If you're lost on where to go follow grassroots groups: @merj_ireland @masi_asylum @BlackPrideIre and other PoC / migrant twitter pages. #BlackLivesMatter
5. If you want proof of racism err see: Direct Provision, treatment of Minceiri, my childhood/college trauma lol BUT WE DON'T OWE YOU SHIT. WE'RE NOT JSUT SOB STORIES we have agency and knowledge and hobbies and lives alright ✋
6. ACAB means all police even your Gardaí shickenini. Policing harms sex workers, undoc, queer POC. WE DON'T WANT HATE CRIME LAWS we want to end the state, prisons, policing not further criminalise POC.
7. So if you're anti racist, stop supporting carceral solutions and looking for solutions from the state. Look at what you can do in your community or how to best support POC/Minceiri.
I've reported and blocked but feel free to report and block these accounts too
I don't see these sorta replies under white people's posts. EVER
You can follow @sprogn.
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