White Irish people are definitely one of the most covertly racist people I’ve come across with, just because they don’t say the n word they think they’re not racist meanwhile they’ll feed into “English only incentives” in school/work when you’re speaking in your native tongue
•They won’t call out their white friends on racist jokes

•In school they split up groups of black kids because they’re “intimidating”

•Some will even go as far as to deny racism completely

•They’ll compare the struggles of white Irish slaves to slavery in America
•There was a parent in my estate that trained her kid to stay away from other black children because we’re “kidnappers”

•They’ll even claim reverse racism to combat racism when it’s brought up

•Feeding off black culture especially music but silence at times like this
•How many times will I walk outside my home without being watched closely by my old neighbours?

•”You have good English, I’m suprised”

•”Where are you really from?” - is their personal favourite

•White Irish people at festivals like longitude is another story
The one that irks me the most is when they hold little black children to the standards as if they’re adults especially in school this is why my mum made such a huge emphasis on me not getting in trouble because I will always be held more accountable
Do I even need to speak about when predominantly black attending events are held in Dublin? and then there will even be our OWN people that say “black people give white people reasons to be racist”?
The most funny thing about “English only” incentives in public places is that you’ll never hear polish people told to stop speaking in their language but as soon as they hear Yoruba it’s an issue
When I was younger I was to be naive to all of this when my mum was explaining this to me, I used to want to give them the benefit of the doubt, as I grew older it/grew more aware it became more and more apparent the degree of covert racism that’s embedded into white Irish people
White Irish people that idolise Kendrick will know songs like the blacker the berry bar for bar but they don’t truly understand what he’s saying, they don’t understand that covert racism is real, that’s why they deny it so much, they don’t want to accept it as their reality
If you’re white reading this, I’m not saying this out of anger I’m saying this for your own awareness. Some of you are kind people at heart and have good motives but are ignorant. Research everything I’m saying about racism is closer than you think
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