A gentle reminder that provoking racial conflict between Americans to weaken the US is a tactical goal the Russian military assault on our 2016 elections sought to achieve. And did. They’re doing the same right now. Trump is their surrogate, don’t forget.
Attacking the press, jailing, killing them if necessary, is another piece of advice Vladimir Putin might have given him on any one of those private meetings or phone calls we never got the readouts from because Trump kept in secret because that’s what probably happened
A gentle reminder that attacking the functionality of our elections and the integrity of our elections is a tactical goal the Russian federation has had for a very long time and sought to achieve and did in 2016 and is exploiting now. They’ve got a surrogate in power.
Come all ye Chapo/Tankie/Putineers, there’s plenty of room in my mentions for all you fuckers
Greetings, botskis, I can tell by the smell
Of course Russia did not invent American racism. Didn’t invent coronavirus either, nor did Trump. But isn’t it curious how trump managed to weaponize both

against Americans
It was not meddling. It was a military assault by Russia on America. This, like coronavirus, did not stop. Welcome to the second wave of cyberwar and disinformation-bombing.
As @wokyleeks says: “do *not* comment on the viral racist provokatisya”, and I am saying: When you encounter something provocative and shocking online, pause, restrain yourself, and ask, is this weaponized content intended to upset and divide and cause chaos?
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