Here is the moment when Minnesota police arrested journalist @OmarJimenez, who is a black man, for literally just doing his job.

He was simply doing a live shot and they ran up on him.

Straight power trip stuff. Shameful. Disgusting.
Here is @joshscampbell, a correspondent from CNN who is a white man, saying that he had absolutely no problem with the police. Highlighting the disparity.
This moment of CNN reporter Omar Jimenez is a prime example of what black men deal with constantly when it comes to law enforcement.

Being harassed and get put in handcuffs even when you did absolutely nothing wrong.
Minnesota State patrol just literally lying about what happened with Omar Jimenez and his crew.

We saw what happened. It was on live television! Jimenez calmly and nicely introduced himself and they still arrested him!
Here’s the live shot of Omar Jimenez recounting what happened after he was released from custody. When he asked what happened and why he was getting arrested, the officer responded:

“I don’t know man, I’m just following orders.”

Not a great response!
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