How I went from aimless to an SRE at StackOverflow in less than a year.

I fell into complacency and the clutches of mediocrity began their encroachment. I casted blame to justify my unhappiness. Blaming begot more unhappiness. A year passed before I recognized the problem. I was the problem.
I needed space. I wanted to distance myself from the career I was dissatisfied with. I was seeking answers. Why am I unhappy? What can I do to enjoy my work again? What do I want to do? Who do I want to become?
I sought a framework for rebuilding my career. I joined the "Be the Master" workshop with @mike_pfeiffer and lead by @concentrateddon. All the progress I've made and accomplishments achieved over the last year or owed to this workshop. 
I took back the driver's seat of my career, but it was pitch black and I had no headlights. I needed help. I reached out to a select few who I admire and asked for help. I sought for the first time mentorship.
I was overwhelmed by indecision. Stuck in the suspended animation of my own mind. In motion, but not ever moving. Dreaming but never doing. It turns out the future needs a direction, not an operating manual. I decided to take action.
I used certifications to lay the foundational knowledge I needed. As I studied I rediscovered what makes me most happy. Learning. What started as an hour each morning to study, became a habit for growth.
After studying for certifications I repurposed the time. I began blogging, sharing, and connecting with the community. I uncovered a creative outlet that redefined my purpose. I was encouraged and inspired to treat my career as a business.
As I wrote each day, evidence of my new identity started to build. Taking the next step, I turned a series of blog posts into an idea for an ebook. In 8 weeks I went from idea to $2,413 dollars and sales with 99 copies sold! 
I didn't do it alone. I have a community of peers and mentors supporting, inspiring, and motivating me. If I had to give advice to my previous self I'd say "Start doing. Ruthlessly find work that in and of itself is rewarding. And don't stop learning." 
You can follow @joshduffney.
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