My experience w/ cops. Note, these aren't /that/ bad in the scheme of things, but this has been my experience:

1) I was like 14 & my dad paid for my brother & 2 of my sister's to go to Fright fest (and a friend of theirs). So we go, and we keep getting separated, I won't say-
All The times, but the worst was when my sister's & their friend (maybe someone else/a few others) decided to walk in a straight line the jump & scare people. They did this to someone & a guy w/ a really deep voice called them the N-Word(hard R I think) and they started chasing-
These middle schoolers (I don't think the person who said it was in that group, because deep voice, but ya know, I could be wrong) my brother & I stayed behind & couldn't find them for a bit. A while later we find some of his friends and we talk & walk around looking for them-
When one of us (I can't remember who) noticed a cop was following us. When he saw us notice, he came over and started asking us if we've been involved in any fights at the park today (we hadn't) and my brother said something to the effect of "we aren't talking to you, let's go"-
But this being BASICALLY my first encounter w/ the police... I... Panicked & was like "We haven't been involved in anything, I mean we saw our sisters start chasing this other group, but we didn't do anything" (Ik, dick move to throw them under the bus, but I was freaked out)and-
My brother was like "Stop, let's go" but the cop was like "no, s[he] isn't going until we're done talking" and then we finished & my brother was upset at me for freaking out and like... Basically snitching but later he said I did the right thing so idk...

TL;DR: A cop followed-
4 14-15ish year olds because he thought we were involved in fights going on at the park.

2) I was at a birthday, my brothers I believe, and there was this white kid (note: everyone there was black, mixed, or just not white for the most part besides him) with us (he was apart-
Of the party) anyway, I don't really remember exactly what led up to it, so sorry if this is really vague but: Kids kept throwing water at the kid (it was hot out, and I'm pretty sure this was at a lake) & he got upset and went away to the sand. White lady (as far as I know, no-
Relationship w/ white kid) finds out what happened (or knows he was upset & w/ us) and refuses to let him go w/ us (we weren't leaving yet btw) so my brother & sisters mom, & Maybe some other people start arguing w/ her. The police get called, and even though he was not-
Involved at all, and didn't really know what happened too well, they immediately went up to my dad and went "What's the problem here?"

I can't really remember this event too well, so sorry if this is really vague & confusing, I wasn't that involved
Also, the police don't have anything to do w/ this but

3: A girl (an ex-friend of my siblings) said to my brother "Because you're black, you're dirty! Because I'm white, I'm clean!" So he got my sister's & I to go over & fight her(she was closer to my little sisters age, so she-
Went & hit her, but if I could go back, is give her no mercy) and the girl started asking for her little sister to come inside (well... Demanded...) but her sister said "No! You're the one who was being rude!" (And some other stuff I can't recall)

I might delete this thread-
Later (if I find out I got any info wrong, or people involved don't want it up) but yeah...

I know it's not the worst, but I was scared something really bad was gonna happen either of those time, and I didn't even fully grasp what cops have done...
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