In MFL reading aloud is invaluable. There’s the performance element, overcoming shyness, linking spoken n written word, recognising how predictable (therefore winnable) language learning is. Stuff we don’t like doing is often what we need most.
Reading aloud2: I advocate making a beeline for the SEAL kids. Shy, EAL, frequently absent and Lazy kids. The kids who can be forgotten or hide. Less participate, less learn. And if you’re nervous? Guess what? We all get nervous! Self doubt is human. Successful people dare.
Aloud3: supportive environment key if we expect kids (anyone) to take risks. If the adult not in charge, somebody else in room is going to try to fill vacuum. Kids need to participate to learn. Feeling safe impacts on their willingness to have a go. Kids need confident teachers.
Teacher confidence1: Ever taught a subject u not equipped to? Ever had to use strategies u don’t believe in? Ever had to use resources u don’t believe in? Ever worked in school where behaviour systems don’t work? Ever worked where don’t rate SLT? Crushes teacher confidence.
Confidence2: There’s stuff we can’t change. Stuff we can. My take: focus on circle of control not circle of concern. Very frustrating if focus on what u can’t change. Subject knowledge good place to start. We can always work on that. Record yourself! Listen to your delivery.
Confidence3: practise being BIG around school. Outside your classroom. Interact more with pupils. Demonstrate you can go anywhere, talk to anyone, and expect same level of courtesy you show.
Confidence4: think very carefully about first/last 10 mins. They’re often messy. If so, why? Precisely. How can u preempt that? But keep it very simple & predictable.
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