me standing up against racism has led to me losing the most followers at a time and i dont give a fuck but it’s so disgusting to think people either agree with the other side or that they dont find these discussions worth their time. i get this place is usually fun for us so-
people just wanna go back to what has become their safe space but literally stfu. you dont agree, take time away. but don’t you fucking dare think your anger at stan twitter fighting for people’s right to live is justified. no one is forcing you to do anything, we’re just-
tweets that you can easily ignore, block, or take time away from. in fact, that’s your fucking privilege again- that your biggest problem is this annoying tweet ruining your timeline. but we see a big movement here and we have every fucking right to say as much as we want. you-
don’t like people calling out their faves and demanding more action? cool. but don’t you fucking dare tell them not to ask for that platform to be used for its value. i am disgusted by how WHITE some of you have been. some people are using the fact that this happens a lot as an-
excuse for this time to not be as big as it is right now. i don’t even know how to fucking respond to a thought like that. do you fucking understand that if you were born black, let everything else about you stay the same, just be born with dark skin, do you fucking-
understand what that would’ve meant? it would’ve meant that “this happens a lot” would easily be your own family hunted one by one simply for EXISTING. simply for doing every fucking action you, as WHITE, is currently doing. it would’ve, and i fucking guarantee, meant that it-
would’ve meant YOU quoting this thread and begging for others to listen and help so YOU don’t become the next one added to “this happens a lot” but instead you have been born white. that means you’ll roll your eyes at how dramatic i’m being and consider actions to remove me from-
clogging your timeline. so enjoy your silence. i won’t take that choice away from you. no one here is. and we acknowledge that not everyone not posting is a racist. but we are simply trying to make you understand that raising awareness and sharing insights like this could be the-
fucking difference between another innocent black human being murdered for a situation where a white in their position would have not been. understand and recognise this reality. this same reality will mean that in a few days, we will be back to our cute little bubble here while-
black people continue this fight everyday. so if you are not enjoying it here right now then kindly stfu and go enjoy your white privilege somewhere else.

sincerely, a white person with common sense.

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