PSA: if you're filipino and using the hashtags #OustDuterte & #JunkTerrorBill please make sure to remove tweets that contain ur personal data/face and be cautious of fb groups. there are reports that afp-pnp are using these to monitor opposition groups, you might get blacklisted.
do this for other sns as well, especially fb. when you're an online activist, be cautious about what you post bec they can and will track your data. they can blacklist you/have you red-tagged and the anti-terrorism bill will put you in more danger.
and yes, i mean you should remove your anitwt selfie day or tweets that expose your full name and other personal info they can use to track you.
i can vouch that this really happens and i know a lot of other student activists who have been red-tagged for speaking out on social media. please secure your safety first and go private if you have too much personal data on your account. i don't want to see more ppl blacklisted.
it's not my intention to cause panic. this is just a warning because we know that they use sns, especially facebook, to monitor student activists and groups.
You can follow @docosakusanoic.
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