“Ireland is not a racist country” is such a bad take bc look at the way travellers are treated in this country? Direct Provision is literally a thing? I really wonder if we live in the same country sometimes bc I how anyone could see all of that going on & still says like that
If Racism isn’t a thing how come when I go into a shop with my black friends security leave their post to follow us around the shop to make sure we’re not stealing but when I go shopping with my white friends I get left alone?
If racism isn’t a thing, can you then explain to me why I can not think of one time I went into town and didn’t have someone shout racial slurs at me. Keep in mind I go to college in town
If racism isn’t a thing, tell me why in primary school and the other kids would make fun of my skin colour, when we told the principal she told my mom that it wasn’t the school’s responsibility and that they wouldn’t do anything about it
If racism isn’t a thing, why did my uncle get hit in the head with a hurley stick and lost sight completely in one of his eyes bc he was a “dirty nigger”?
Less racist then somewhere else DOES NOT MEAN that it’s not still racist. So miss me with that “Ireland not a racist country” bullshit
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