stop making it about race :/ more whites are murdered by police than blacks and hispanics combined. yes, black deaths are higher per capita, but blacks commit 50% of murders, despite making up only 13% of the population. ofc blacks will encounter the police violently more often
i do think race plays a subconscious role bc people have the implicit bias that blacks are more dangerous, but still, race is not the primary reason for the murders. right now, we should stop making police brutality a black-only problem bc ALL americans suffer from this problem
a 2016 study by the journal “injury prevention,” a 2019 study by the “journal of politics,” and many other journals (all of these are peer reviewed) come to the same conclusions
everyone loves “helping” minorities because it makes seem “woke” but the BLM movement is both toxic and wrong. now, black people are far more likely to not report crimes to the police out of fear. we need a neo-CRM or a movement that addresses general police brutality
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