you're an Attack on titan fan but apolitical/neutral irl??? you're literally watching an anime that parallels the reality of RACISM, POLICE BRUTALITY, SOCIAL OPPRESSION, REBELLION AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, HOLOCAUST THEMES, + a lot more social issues‼️‼️
I know a lot of people choose to stay blind bc these issues make them uncomfortable, but think about how ya'll love a show about characters who fight against the same issues in a much more gory setting. Wake up. #BlackLivesMatter #OustDuterte
"bRo iT's jUsT aNime" first of all, i'm trying to raise awareness for anitwt community to understand better. In AOT, there are no heroes, but it shows the reality of the opressed and opressors, so how you want to interpret it is up to you. i just see a lot of hypocrites irl 🤡
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