here is a thread with links to useful websites, petitions and other information you can use to help and get justice for these innocent people.
#BlackLivesMater #BlackLivesMatter #BIackLivesMatter
i know a lot of threads have already been made but i want to make sure people can find useful information all in one place.
i have signed all these petitions and if you could take one minute out of your day to also sign them it will be of big help !!
if there are any petitions i have missed please leave the link in the comments and i’ll add it onto this thread
if you live internationally and can’t sign petitions without a zip code you can use any of these:
here is a really useful carrd which has links and other ways you can help out https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/# 
please remember to keep tweeting using these hashtags #BlackLivesMater #BIackLivesMatter talk to friends and family and help spread awareness, anything you do can be of big help.
if there is anything else i find which will be helpful i’ll link it to this thread
You can follow @tinynoodl.
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