Actually there's this cool theory I've heard from various video essays. It's that society has a generational cycle. There's a generation that likes to stick to the tried-and-true. Very traditional. Then next there's a pushback against normality, leading to society becoming
more expressive and open. After that there's a massive event that shakes up everything, which leads society back into wanting to play it safe. Cultural reforms. Sticking to what has worked. Status quo.
For examples, think of the 18th century.
British imposing high taxes and infuriating many colonists. That led to a revolution, in which American society completely changed (The big event). People decided on a solid path for their lives as their country was now stable for them. Then slowly society was becoming
More and more open to new ideas until the next big event: The civil war. After the massive disruptment of American society, people settled back into sturdy foundations. Over time, very early suffragettes started pushing against the status quo. Eventually
The next big event occurred: WWI/Depression/WWII (The whole early 20th century was a mess.) After that, society (Which we now know as the "Boomers" that are sometimes stuck in their ways) settled back into a sturdy system. Classic 50's houses with grass lawns and white fences
I'm sure you know what comes next. The civil rights movement, LGBTQ movement, etc. (I'm gonna skip over the cold war because this thread is already very long.) Eventually til today.
Now based on the years that these big events occured, the next societal shift
Is projected to be early in the next ten years. And it sure feels like it too. Isn't that cool? I'm excited to see what changes. Maybe they'll bring back Club Penguin. We can only hope.
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