i really don’t wanna be silent during these times so everything i have to say about the #BlackLivesMatter movement will be in this thread, ty.
if you’re an lgbt member, literally how are you gonna be racist or against any other minority? like if you wanna be accepted, can we accept as well? i will never understand how an lgbt member could be racist and then use words that trans black women created.
also, if you’re white please do not use this very serious movement for clout. if you do not know what the black power hand even means, don’t put it as your profile. people think it’s just another “change your pfp to this” type of trend when it’s not.
dont use this movement for a few likes or a simple retweet. use your privleage as a voice for your friends who don’t have one in society. use your privleage to educate your other privleage friends. sign the petitions, do whatever just don’t use this for clout
and for those who use the argument of “all lives matter” yes everybody matters but #BLM isn’t saying other people don’t matter. it’s because black people are opressed and white people are not and that’s it. i hate this character limit lmao next comment
a white child can shoot guns and be fine but if a black child has a fake nerf gun he can be killed. acab.
and about acab, acab is talking about the system, not every single cop. but also if they’re a cop, they stand with the system, yes hannah that includes your uncle that you try to defend all the time. yes some cops are trying to change the system but still, until it’s changed acab
and like i said please please use your privleage for good, don’t ignore what they have to say, listen and hear their stories. don’t just scroll past and act like you support something when you’re in the way of the solution. if you’re simply doing this for clout you are IN THE WAY
so to end this thread (for the night at least) i am not posting this for clout, because i know no one follows me. i’m simply posting this in the hopes that it’ll reach someone and to publicly display my opinion even if i get in trouble for it. because things have to change.
i stand with the minorities.
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