There is brutality being waged against black people, in the US and all over the world. If the fatal violence towards George Floyd and others fills you with anger then please donate now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund: 
Both of us at CoS are white. As white people we have a responsibility to take it upon ourselves to become allies in the fight against oppression, to support black people in a world that is hostile towards them.
We benefit from and enjoy black culture in many ways and as such we must support black people at all times, not just using privilege to cherry pick aspects of black culture that are convenient for us. It is not sufficient to simply consider oneself ‘not a racist’.
Racism is structurally baked into the world around us - we must actively take it upon ourselves to research the effect that structural racism has on our everyday existence and take appropriate action. Its never too late to begin this education of the self - start today.
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