ive been seeing this circulating on social media - anti-blackness in the arab/non-black muslim community is a conversation that 100% needs to be had but in regards to this deeply tragic incident i think its worth understanding what happened: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1216461
within a matter of minutes there were two counterfeit bill situations, first time it was noticed on the spot, second time was Floyd (may his family and the greater community receive justice) whose bill was not identified as counterfeit until after he left
the clerk called the owner asking what they should do; protocol is to call the police so the employee proceeded
when the police arrive, the employee sees how the officer was treating Floyd, not allowing him to breathe and was extremely distraught - they call the owner crying, asking what they should do now. the owner told them to call the police on the police and make sure to record
the owner of this business is offering to pay for all funeral expenses - we need to do our part and exemplify solidarity in all ways that we can because this needs to end. if you can, please donate to any of the trusted organizations that support black communities in the area
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