WTF??! I have loved, contributed to & read the @guardian my whole adult life. I have never been more incensed at their publishing something than this. @HadleyFreeman has written about #WoodyAllen with such arrogance of unbiased reporting, it screams off the page. Her accusatory—
tone against feminists is deafening. As is her belief in the facts. @HadleyFreeman I’m so happy for you if the life you’ve led has allowed you to have faith in the justice system, but for many others, especially in earlier times, the justice system deciding innocence DOES NOT—
mean that person is innocent. And your mention that ‘no one has been able to pin so much as a parking fine on him’ is f**king insulting to all those who have battled with evidence, victim-blaming and hidden assault. The world you live in thinks ‘the law and agencies’—
are reliable in their decisions!?! Get a grip @HadleyFreeman, the percentage of rape & assault prosecutions are disgustingly low, do you read your own newspaper? Also, WHY DO YOU CARE about showing how demonstrably true it is that he has ‘suffered’??? Why are you defending him?—
And don’t tell me or anyone else what we do & don’t do in the name of feminism, when you are giving prime readership & spreading yours & his bias. And who are you addressing when you say ‘you may not like Allen’s movies’ but?? The implication is thick like tar that feminists—
have some issue with him because we don’t like his films? Or that he began dating his partner’s daughter the minute she became legal? How about some of us just believe the victim of his abuse? The victim who you gloss over because she declined to comment? As would I if you wrote—
this compassionately about my abuser. How do you think you are being unbiased here? As a writer you should know better, the power your words have, each chosen one. Starting your para quoting him as THE POSTER BOY FOR.. #METOO then backing up how an absence of assault accusations—
actually proves him right?? (Completely insulting btw, men who are ‘poster boys’ for the #MeToo movement are so much more than people who have a clean record) then you end by sympathising with how his career has been sabotaged!?!?? At least own your bias @HadleyFreeman!! Also—
it really is like you don’t work for the nuanced paper @guardian ‘perhaps some people took time to read the facts’??? I again question what privileged world you live in where facts are so clear, so proven, so reliable and unbiased. I will end on a final next tweet trying to—
demonstrate the wonders of bias. Using you own bias. If you don’t see your own bias in these excerpts, you’re not fit to write nationally. Michael Jackson, R Kelly etc attacked multiple victims, ‘Allen was accused of one... Why doesn’t he sue’ and ‘this, I suspect, is what lies—
behind Allen’s outward insistence of fine-ness... because he knows... it would hurt those closest to him’. Bias in all its lovely form right there @HadleyFreeman. Lastly- innocent or guilty, you are hurting women out here who suffer in silence, not believed or fearing their lack—
of reliable evidence, you are reinforcing the accused’s voice as more important. Promoting his actual book?? @HadleyFreeman Why not leave it?? We can’t know the truth. Why do you care to stoke a fire whose cause you CANNOT verify & whose embers may not burn you, but do so others?
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