Feminists try to act as if, at some point in history, a "society" of men sat down to set up the rules of patriarchy.
Feminists try to ignore the fact that the root of patriarchy is from the beginning of humanity when men were biologically/physically stronger than women...
I was having a discussion with a supposed male feminist who accussed me of not being a true supporter of the movement cos I held different views to his and a misandrist he was defending. I brought up biology, nigga said "leave biology out of it"...nigga biology is how it started!
Jesus heavenly christ! This tweet is not an attack on feminism.
If anything it's a point for feminism, because humanity has evolved and gone a long way from the stone ages, and trying to hold on to principles of the stone age is a regression in thinking.
How TF are you missing it
In conclusion https://twitter.com/Eli_Cube/status/1266319753121054721?s=19
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