when I was 12/13 years old a white girl I went to school with disappeared over the weekend (she was staying at her friends house and hadn't told her parents) so police were called and they showed up at my home after questioning her (white) ex bf (1/3)
I wasn't even close friends with her or anything but white boy claimed I walked home with her that Friday after school and the cops believed him and accused me of kidnapping, said I was lying about my grandma driving me home bc I couldn't keep eye contact (2/3)
it was just a scared brown teenager and their younger siblings but the cops were ready to arrest me anyways bc a white boy lied. mom had to leave work early to come calm them (and me) down and now I'm just laying here wondering if I'd be dead if that had happened today (3/3)
this thread is probably an incoherent mess but basically ACAB #BlackLivesMatter
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