I don't know how to say this elegantly— but if you are a white person I ask you please to let go of any sense of feeling defensive you might be feeling rn.

Please be aware of the walls you might be pulling up during this conversation.

I beg you to humbly lower them and listen
If you are feeling a sense of defensiveness within you growing right now— please challenge this. Please be aware of it, and please expand your view and understanding of what is happening right now.
Please listen. Please *put yourself* into the shoes of our black and brown brothers and sisters who are experiencing immeasurable grief right now. Who fear on the daily for their safety in ways we NEVER will in this country.

Please let that sink in. Please.
Please let go of defensiveness, let go of phrases like "not all cops!" "I don't see color!" "**I've** never said anything racist!!" "I never had bad intentions!!"

Now WE need to step up more and listen, learn, take action, speak up and hold each other accountable.
We benefit from privileges that communities of color do not have in this country—whether you asked for it or not.

If you do not believe thats true, or if you feel defensive— please, please, let go of these walls.

Have empathy, have *humility* to learn and challenge your views
I started by saying I dont know how to word this elegantly, and I don't know if I'm saying the right thing. But I know first hand the resistance white people have when faced with the reality of the privilege we are born with.

I know this is only the first, and smallest step
If I've fucked up in this thread, please do not hesitate to correct me publicly.

Please know my intentions are good, but that I also know that good intentions are not always enough.
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