Saw someone saying there’s no racism in STEM. I’m here to tell you that I’ve seen it and I’ve called it out.

After 8 years in academia, I’ve been actively involved in #BAMEinSTEM awareness, and I’d like to share some of the ways you can stand up to #everydayracism. (1/7)
1. Encouraging diverse project groups. I noticed early on that there could be a divide between BAME and non-BAME students, so I’d always try to work with a range of people or ask lecturers to shake up groupings that they might have (un)consciously made segregatory. (2/7)
2. Inviting BAME students to talk during seminars, lectures and practicals. I noticed they’d often leave without having had a chance to speak, but I knew from talking to them they had often amazing ideas. So opening the floor to them to voice those was often all it took. (3/7)
3. Calling out racism when I saw it. It would often be people referring to stereotypes or making assumptions about capabilities of BAME students.
“They might not understand that”
“That’s just their culture”
“It’s hair washing day so they won’t want to get involved” (4/7)
4. Attending BAME events. This is by far the easiest way to support others. Attend events that they hold. Listen to what they’re saying. Getting involved with their campaigns and ASKING HOW ELSE YOU CAN HELP. Cannot stress that enough. (5/7)
5. Accepting when you’re in a privileged position, and using that to help others. I hear your arguments, but this isn’t a “my prejudice is bigger than your prejudice” moment.

They way you look could opens doors, so let’s hold them open for others. (6/7)

I’m not speaking for anyone. This is a compilation of ways I’ve been active and how BAME students have encouraged me to be active. I don’t mean for this thread to sound condescending and I hope I’ve made that clear. (7/7)
An add on tweet:

It breaks my heart when I see people saying they feel like they don’t belong in STEM.

You do belong. Everyone belongs.

The nature of science is rationale, not judgement. If you feel like you don’t belong that’s not on you, that’s on us. We can do better.
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