YOU Donald J. Trump are a *THUG* a vile disgusting human being. A racist. What happens when evil takes a seat behind the oval office? Chaos erupts, ethnic cleansing becomes open and applauded by the silence of this admin. Morals are left to die on 1/4
blood splattered pavements, lives wasted by the *pure* evilness of a man who lacks empathy, compassion, it spreads like wildfire throughout our country, embraced by the privileged, elite white race. I will NOT allow you to continue to spread your hate. 2/4
You can't stifle my voice. You can try, but rest assured, the rule of law is in my favor. To quote an *evil man.* you don’t negotiate with evil. You defeat evil. ~ Dick Cheney~ You will be defeated, you will pay the ultimate price. Your legacy will be known as 3/4
the school yard bully, the tyrant, but most of all you will be forgotten. You will have succeeded in failing, once again.
You will not of mattered. I don't take pleasure in this post. You had one last stand to prove me wrong, your choice of ego has always been your demise. 4/4
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